I joined as a designer in 2013 – and I head the whole design team as in 2023!
I worked on UI and UX design for Web, Mobile, Watch, and Desktop platforms and developed an entrepreneurial mindset. If something needs to be done, I find out ways to do it. My studies in the local language, lack of resources, or any problems – cannot stop me!
On the ever-changing landscape of UI/UX design, I steer myself and my team to stay relevant to our experience design projects.
I have witnessed Space-O Digicom becoming Upsquare, extreme work challenges, and unprecedented successes of exiting from our business and even shareholder pattern change in my 10+ years journey with the Upsquare group.
I am often criticized for loving my company – but I take that criticism with proud and with the culture of open and straight communication, I push my limits and inspire young designers who join my team.
If you are reading this text on our website, then you are participating in the experience I have designed. If you are evaluating one of our apps, then you can see my interaction design concepts in action. If you are browsing on the app store and looking at the app icon, then know that you are seeing my team’s piece of art.
I feel proud to be a part of Upsquare’s core team and thankful to my past and present colleagues and founders who have been with me in my thick and thin times – resembling a family.
At this stage in my career, I look forward to pushing my limits and inspiring newcomers with the success I could create even without any formal education in designing because at Upsquare, we believe more in DOING than in degrees!